Have you seen this yet?

It's the May issue of Scrapbook Trends and that just happens to be one of my layouts on the cover! Eeek! Yeah you can say I'm just a teeny tiny bit EXCITED! LOL

I actually created this layout during a girls' night of scrapbooking with my two gal pals Corey and Kristen. It was so much fun to just hang out together and scrap while enjoying some food and wine with good friends.

Oh and just one more tiny note (because it's kinda driving me a bit bonkers) - see that orange clip hanging out at the top of my layout. Ummm ... it wasn't supposed to be there. It actually was supposed to be clipped to the side of my photo by the other embellishments. Not quite sure how it walked and attached itself up there but ... ah well!


Laura T. said...

Was so excited to see you and your layout on the cover. Congrats girl!

cjs said...

Wow....what an honor..Congratulations! Love that publication.

Unknown said...

Wow Lynn, how exciting to be on the front cover. That clip looks good where it is anyway...I love that layout...I may have to just buy that book to see your details!

Renee' Morris-Dezember said...

That really is EXCITING - CONGRATS!!! That's too bad about the clip - but it does look good there ;)

Bonita Rose said...

congrats to you.... u are uber talented.. love seeing your work!!!!

Cathy said...

Congrats! The clip looks just fine there - I wouldn't have known if you hadn't said something :)

Cassi said...

How very exciting, congrats Lynn!

Karen said...

Congrats on the pub! That is fantastic and so is your layout!!! Don't worry about the clip moving...as it looks just as great in the placed area that it wandered too...really :)!!! Happy NSD!!

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

How exciting!!! Congrats :*)

Kristi said...

COngratulations!!! What a gorgeous page.You must be over the moon.

Julia Sandvoss said...

I just saw it this morning in an email I received from them! Many many congrats to you! :-)

Jacqueline said...

gorgeous page Lynn!!! Love this!! Congrats on the cover!!

Mallory London said...

That is SO cool! Congratulations! The clip looks really cute right there... :D

Jennifer Hansen said...

Big congrats to you! I do have a card in the May issue this month, but still trying to break in with a layout.

jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com

Gina said...

Congratulations Lynn . . . your cover LO is just Amazing!

Colleen said...

Congratulations, Lynn! I know the girls at MLPA were happy for you, too! I love your work... it's always stunning.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo Congratulations, Lynn! You rock, girl. Fab LO even with the clip at the top. *wink*

dclouser said...

Way to go, Lynn! You deserve it- your work is so inspiring.

Arlana 11426 said...

Wow congrats!!!! This is such a darling layout ... Great Job!!!

GREENMM said...

Congratulations! You and your family must be proud! What an exciting accomplishment! This is such a great publication too - enjoy the moment!

Sue said...

Whoa, What a feat.. Congrats to YOU!!! I never would have questioned the clip if you didn't spill the beans. :) Sue

karahoward said...

Great job!! Such a lovely layout - on a very important subject!

Robynccgirl said...

Awesome Lynn! Great job! Love the story about the clip walking! LOL!

Ade said...

Love that layout! And what a fantastic publication to be in. Congrats!!

Michelle said...

Congratulations!! How exciting! I love your layout, it is gorgeous. So funny about the clip walking to the top :). Congrats again on the well deserved honor!

heidi said...

Congrats! That's a beautiful magazine and they always only put the absolute best in there!

quilter said...

Congratulations, we are all so proud of you. This could be a never ending circle--now you need to do a scrapbook page of your layout on a magazine cover. (wink) It is a great layout.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you!!!Your work is awesome!!!

Rae C. said...

I love the scrapping pages! This is the first time I've seen your work, and I am, needless to say super impressed! Thanks for the chance to win the magazine.

Purple Princess said...

Congratulations!! Love to see you on the cover!

Kristen Carll said...

wow Lynn.. I can only imagine how excited you are! What a great honor! Congrats. Your beautiful scrapbooking deserves to be showcased on the cover!!! :)

Jenn K said...

WOW! That is so AWESOME to be in the mag would be fab but on the cover!! WOWZERS CONGRATS!!

Scrapycandy said...

Lynn..this is so wonderful! How can you top this? Amazing!!!! I am so proud of you and I can see why Angela is so happy! Keep up the good work!

Kendra said...

HOW EXCITING! I love that publication & your page is gorgeous! Congrats!

Joni M said...

Congratulations Lynn!!!
That is so well deserved! I ADORE your layouts!

Paola said...

Congrats how exciting is that?

jo said...

Congrats Lynn! It's a gorgeous LO!

Jules said...

Congratulations!!! Scrapbook Trends is my current favorite magazine. I think it has the best layouts and to be picked for the cover?? Wow!

Lisa F said...

Congratulations! I have never seen this magazine in person - might have to check it out now!

Jenn said...

too funny about the clip, congrats on the cover spot though! :)

jan farnworth said...

how awesome i sure your just so excited. that would be such an hour. your so talented your totally deserve this honor.

Joann said...

Congrats! How exciting is that?!?!!??

Erika M. said...

How fabulous for you! Congrats!

austampers stampin room said...

OH wow how cool!!! Congratulations!!!
Made me lol about the clip! haha. It turned out beautifully thought.

StacyC said...

Congrats... That is very exciting.

NancyP said...

WOW!! What an honor! The front cover of such a fabulous book!!! And--hay---I LIKE that orange clip at the top of your layout!!! Didn't you know they had feet???

Sunghee said...

Congrats! What a pleasant layout!

Amy said...

you rock and totally deserve that cover! congrats!

Rebecca said...

Congrats cover girl!!!! Love the layout and colors!

inky hugs-

Linda Carson said...

WOW! You're a cover girl! That ROCKS Lynn! It's a beautiful layout!

Tamara said...

Wow! Congrats on your cover shot.

Vickilyn said...

Congrats to you!! That is soooo exciting!!

Tracey Taylor said...

What an honor and a privilege...a well deserved one. HUGE congrats to you.

Naomi Chokr said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! How exciting you must be thrilled!!!

kreativeimagination said...

What a wonderful layout! Big Congrats to you!

Shannon Fralish said...

Congratulations Cover Girl! Your design is simply beautiful and I can't wait to pick up a copy to see it up close. Wonderful work!

Chris S. said...

How exciting to be a Cover Girl! Great layout. Would never have known anything was out of place!

Kerry said...

Congratulations! Beautiful layout!

Beth S said...

Congrats Lynn. I can see why this L.O. is on the cover. It is beautifully done. Have a wonderful day.

Michelle (aka mybelle101) said...

WOW! That is so exciting, Lynn!! Congratulations! You're so talented...you deserve it! {{hugs!}}

Jillisgram said...

Congratulations --- you must be so excited!

Deb Neerman said...

WoWzA, what a thrill! Congratulations!

Love the LO ... it looks great sitting there right on the front cover! Way to go!

Tanis said...

That's SO cool!!! (Except for the randomly replaced clip!?!)
Congrats Lynn! LOVE that page :)

Lisa H. said...

well I love it, the page rocks! how cool for you to make a cover!!! great work!

Cherie said...

Congrats Girly! I saw your layout today when I picked up my issue at the LSS! WTG!!

Unknown said...

congratulations on the cover. Your work is absolutely gorgeous.

Katy said...

so cool, congratulations! I absolutely adore your scrapbooking style!!

Unknown said...

How exciting! Great layout! Totally deserves to be on the cover! Congrats girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow, congrats on making the cover Lynn! That is a fabulous page!!!

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Way to go!!!

Bekah said...

Awesome! You do great work, they are lucky to have you!

Anna Sigga said...

WTG - and huge congrats!!!!

Jessica said...

congratulations on your publication! that is fabulous!!

Tammy said...

Congratulations Lynne! How awesome! Love the layout that you did :)

Amber said...

Congrats on the cover! Wahoo!

Toni K said...

How exciting! And well deserved! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and no worry about the clip! It looks perfect-maybe it was supossed to be there all along lol :)

How cool to be published like this-I'm hoping one day I will be able to do the same. Thanks for the inspiration!


Tifany said...

Oh wow!!! Congrats!

mary stuart said...

Oh my gosh - you're a cover girl!
that is very exciting!
and you even included a walking clip!
hmmmm, lo looks great anyway.
good job!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Congratulations on your cover girl shoot! Tee Hee!!!

Such a gorgeous layout... and what an awesome magazine! I get CARDS and Simply HomeMade... the rock...

Valerie G said...

Congrats!!! Wow that has to be so exciting being on the cover!

Shauna K said...

love the layout! clean and colorful :)

NoraAnne said...

WOW! Someone would have to pick me up from the floor if I ever got published, and FORGET about a cover! That is so awesome, congrats on such a huge accomplishment :) I love your layout!!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on a beautiful cover!!

Ravengirl said...

Congratulations on making the cover! An deserved honor for sure!

Becky Carafa said...

How exciting! Congratulations!

SusanH said...

What a perfect layout for a May issue - Congrats!!

jamie said...


Laura L said...

Woo Hoo!!! Congrats on making the cover! How awesome!

Tanya said...

Congratulations!!! I LOVE Scrapbook Trends- your LO looks amazing!!!

Watt-Hayes Family said...

Congrats cover girl!! This so cool, what an adorable LO for it too! :)

Lee said...

Wowza!!!! You are a true COVER GIRL!!! How exciting!!! Congrats!!

CarlaKH said...

How exciting! COngrats and best wishes for continued success!

Maria said...

CONGRATS! That is so amazing, what a beautiful layout!

Janet said...

Good for you! How awesome to make a cover!

Tammy said...

WOW! What an awesome LO and great honor, congrats! That's pretty funny your clip wanted a new home, I never would have known!

Emily said...

Congratulations! Not just in the book but on the cover! It's a great layout.

Angela L. said...

Congrats on not only creating such a beautiful layout but also for making front cover!!! You truly deserve it....

slbt17 said...

WOW! you are famous! Congratulations!

yannitan said...

Congrats Lynn!
I love tat layout!
Do you knw the magazine is sold out in Singapore.
Hoping the shop owner will bring in more copies soon.

♥ Audrey ♥ said...

Congrats and what an honour! Lovely LO too!

Anonymous said...

When I received my mag. I thought the layout on the front was so elegant. Very crisp and clean. Going to lift it----Had no idea it was you LOL :) Goes to show what happens when you don't pay attention. Fabulous layout.


Kim Dellow said...

Oh fabulous work congratulations :) Kim

joni said...

First of all Congrats!!! That's so awesome!!!Your work is really beautiful and inspiring! I love ST!!!

Ramona said...

WOW! What a gorgeous layout! I plan to CASE this one. I just love it. Congratulations! What an honor that you DESERVE!

Lan said...

Congrats!!! Such a beautiful layout.

Karen J. said...

How exciting !!! Congrats on getting your layout on the cover!! Forsure I'll be buying that issue.

Margaret Kane Ward said...

That's such an honor, but you're so deserving. SB Trends & CARDS are my most favorite magazines.

Doramiyi said...

You must be sooo excited, I know I would be. I'm new to papercrafting so I look forward to the day I too can publish some of my work.

Thanks for the inspiration and CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!

Thanks also for the chance to win.

doramiyi at gmail dot com

Koren Leggett said...

wow- great job! both on the layout and on making the cover! woot woot!!

Janet said...

That's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Oh lucky you.. I dream of just having one small pic in the magazine.. maybe one day.. Congrats.. I would be just as pround and ur work is beaytiful..

Shontelle said...

Oh my goodness, how exciting to you have your layout on the cover!! looks fantastic!

Kelly Braund said...

So exciting! Congrats!

Katie Cotton said...

This is stinkin' fantastic!!!! How wonderful for you! Congrats!

esther said...

Congrats on making the cover!!

Marilyn Nimmo said...

Congratutions on making the cover. What an honor to grace the cover a such a fantastic magazine!

Anonymous said...

on the cover of the GREATEST magazine, what a way to celebrate both the Unity Birthday and National Scrapbook Day! Big, big congratulations to you!

Rachel said...

Congrats on becoming a cover girl!

Tink said...

I am so excited for you... To be on the Cover of a magazine!!
This is Fantastic, you are on the COVER of the greatest scrapbooking magazine.. OMG! Its the Rolling stone of scrapbooking!!
CONGRATS!!! You deserve it!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Congrats on making the cover! That must feel AMAZING :)

Regan said...

HUGE congrats on the cover, that is one stunning layout!

Tanya said...

that is so exciting! congrats!!
also, I love the other projects I've browsed just now! I'll bookmark you!

Tina Mayo said...

good for you..I am soooooo excited for you ..I would be excited too

Osnat Hazan said...

WOW! Congrats! for many more...
I'm so happy for you!


Rose said...

Congrats! Your layout is so beautiful! What an accomplishment to make the cover! I love Scrapbook Trends Mag!

AnnaMarie said...

You KNOW already how excited I was to get it in my mailbox! Heeeee! :) Congrats again on your BEAUTIFUL LO making the cover of ST - a fabulous honor and SO well-deserved! :) :)

Heather M. said...

woooooohhhhhhhooooooooo!!!! totally awesome! gorgeous layout! huge congrats on making the cover!

KellyL. said...

Love that magazine- how cool to be on the cover!

LisaW said...

Gorgeous layout Lynn! It looks right at home on the cover!!

Altered Amanda said...

That is just wonderful and it is a super colorful eye-catching layout!! no wonder!! - Amanda