I have a BLOG!

Can you even believe it?!? I am sooooo not computer savvy but I like to read blogs now and then and thought it might be fun to try one. So here it is!

Well it might be fun to add a pic for my first entry - I've never done this before so hopefully I can figure it out LOL. Here is a scrapbook page I did for an online class I am taking. The class is called GotSketch101 and is offered by two fantastic ladies Valerie Salmon and Janna Wilson. We were given a sketch to work with and this is what I came up with:

Pretty cute eh? Brandon is such a ham and just loves to give that CHEESY smile for the camera.

Not bad for my first attempt huh? :)


  1. Lynn,

    What a geek you are! Just kidding :-) !

    Is this a digital scrapbook page or is the class online and then you create the page the old-fashioned way? A friend of mine has started with digital pages, that's why I'm asking.

  2. Lisa,

    It's a good ol' fashioned scrapbook page that I took a pic of. I'm way too scared to try digi scrapping ... yet! :)

  3. Nice job lynn! I'm so happy you are now part of the blogging world! It's a lot of fun. Great scrapbook page too..how creative!

  4. congrats Lynn, you've entered the electronic age! Just kidding. Keep up the good work and make us proud!

  5. Hi Lynn, it's AnnaMarie from the Got Sketch 101 class! ;) Welcome to blogging - it looks great! And you already KNOW I love that LO you made with the SL kit!! ;)

  6. Wow you did it!! So exciting. I just had to stop by and leave you some love.

  7. Just had to pop in and welcome you to blogdom! Love the layout you've don't for got sketch 101...can't wait until the class starts.
