Feeling better ...

I *think* we are all finally on the mend. It's been a crazy few weeks with this nasty stomach bug floating around. It all started with Darian and he managed to pass it along to just about everyone he came in contact with - YUCK! Keeping my fingers crossed that is all behind us now and we can enjoy some of this beautiful weather we've been having - FINALLY some nice spring weather!

Speaking of nice weather ... just a few more weeks til we head down to Ocean City for our annual family vacation. I can't wait! Each year I get more and more excited when I think about just how much more the boys will get to experience and appreciate as they get older. Darian seems to remember our vacation last year and playing in the ocean with daddy so he is all set for more fun this year. Brandon is a total land lover - he was one with the sand last year (had it coming out of EVERYWHERE!) so we'll see if he dares to go in the ocean this year.

And for a little refresher - here is a layout I just did for my Got Sketch 101 class using pics from our Ocean City vacation last year. I was too lazy to take more pics but those are flip up pages on the right side with even more pics underneath! Very cool way to include LOTS of pictures on one layout!

Left page:

Right page:

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous layouts Lyn - you've done an awesome job with that sketch. love the colours.
