I hate Mondays!

Okay I don't REALLY hate Mondays but my kids have been watching Garfield (over and over and over and over ... you get it right?) and Garfield is definitely one kitty that hates the start of the week. Mondays are definitely hectic in our house. After a weekend of doing who knows what the house is always a disaster and I always have piles of laundry to catch up on before the week begins and I get completely overwhelmed with dirty boy tees and stinky shorts!

So to make this Monday a little brighter I'm gonna post another layout I did during my weekend crop. I love these pictures of Darian - not sure if you can tell from the photographed layout but he is totally catching air in the last pic ... and looking straight at the camera! What a ham!

p.s. Val if you're looking at this - just ignore those naked buttons okay? I told you though - I like a little nakedness once in awhile. :P


  1. super cute layout! and great photos!i have this photo of both my girls being tossed up in the pool at the same exact time ... my youngest is completly sideways, pigtails flying everywhere, and the biggest grin on her face. lol! it's such a great photo!

    and nothing wrong with naked buttons! lol! i'm a fairly lazy scrapper ... sometimes you just gotta plop those puppies on there with nothing on them. lol!

  2. I love the new look of your blog, beautiful and the color combo is great!!

    Layout is awesome, I am sure someone had to give Val CPR when she saw all those naked buttons!!

  3. hey, I like the naked button look. Great layout Lynn. A friend of mine is always riding me about my naked buttons, but as I see it, they are natural not naked (lol).

  4. I'm a nakey button girl too. LOVE the layout..too cute!!

  5. I commented on your Flickr but it bears repeating - this is so fun and gorgeous Lynn, love it!!
