My Crazy Boy

Thought I'd share my first "official" layout for the Got Sketch 101 class I am taking. The other challenges were all pre-class assignments but today is the first day of class and I couldn't wait to get started. I was just waiting for the perfect sketch to use for these photos of Darian - when our first assignment was posted today I knew it was a perfect match!

I photographed the layout on a black background since base cardstock is white.

Detail of the acrylic asterisk embellishment - I LOVE this! I literally just got them with my Mosh Posh June kit a few days ago and couldn't wait to use them. They are from Prima and I definitely need to get more of these babies.

Is that expression not priceless?!? Cute Making Memories glitter frame highlights Darian's face on one of the photos.

Two journaling tags sit behind the photos for hidden journaling - they read "A note from Mommy" and "Remember This." I love that I was able to write directly to Darian on this page yet it is "hidden" from immediate view.

Well that's all folks! Darian is still running a slight temperature and we've been stuck inside today since it is sweltering hot outside. Not fun! Keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow brings cooler temps for both Darian and our weather!


  1. Lynn I love that page layout. I seriously need to get creative scrapbooking with you! That slide/pool looks like so much fun..when can i come over to play? I hope Darian is feeling better today. That's no fun at all!

  2. Corey you guys are welcome to come over any time - to scrap or play in the pool! Remember me coming down the slide at Time In? Well you shoulda seen me flying down this slide - it was AWESOME! I hope you guys are on the mend as well - we'll catch up this week!

  3. Time for the DH to chime in.

    Lynn, I am very proud of you...your pages are just awesome. No offense to you other scrappers out there...

    I would like to say that some of my artistic ability rubbed off on you, but that wouldn't give you enough credit...

    Great job sweetie...

  4. Wow, Lynn! You're fast and the layout's awesome too! Love the bright and cheery colors. Such a fun layout!
