Almost there ...

... I think I am just about done with packing for our Ocean City trip. We leave Saturday morning and I kinda left the packing til the last minute but the boys have summer camp all day today so I figured I could get it done in one big marathon!

Let me tell you ... packing for a beach vacation for 4 is not easy! Not only do we have to bring the usual stuff - clothes, beach towels, sand toys, life vests, etc - but since we are staying in a rental home we have to bring our own pillows, sheets, bath towels, any food or other necessities we can't buy down there, etc. That's A LOT of stuff! Plus we are bringing the wagon to cart the boys down the boardwalk in the evenings, both tricycles, mine and Salar's bikes, Rock Band (you know ... the necessities :P) ...

I have such a headache just thinking about it all but the good news (at least for me) is that since I packed everything up Salar has to pack the car ... hee hee! How he's gonna fit all this stuff in there is beyond me - kinda like fitting 20 clowns into a little VW bug! Should be interesting!


  1. Hope you have a great trip Lynn.
    I have given you an award.....go to my blog for the rules!

  2. wowsers...sounds like a lot of work. :) Love the clown/vw analogy!! Have fun on your vacation!!

  3. been there, done that...with 6! love packing it up to come home and thinking "i know this all fit when we came"...
    have fun and use lots of sunscreen!! Erica:)

  4. WOW! I can't even imagine - that sounds like SO much! I hope you are able to rest some once you get there! Sounds very fun!

  5. hope you have a great trip! i admit to being super lazy about going on vacation. all that packing and trying to remember 1327 little things ... it's way too much work for me. lol!
