So sad ...

I wasn't even going to post this since I felt like maybe if I didn't write it down in black and white it would somehow magically not be true. But it's my life and my reality and maybe writing it down will make me feel better ... eventually.

Our beloved Bengal cat Sebastian went missing last night and I now fear the worst has happened. If anyone reading this knows Sebastian you know that he is quite the talker - a very vocal kitty and super friendly. He constantly makes his presence known and likes to be where the action is. Well today he was nowhere to be found. I thought it was odd that he didn't greet me in the morning and try to sit on my lap at the breakfast table as he always does. I got caught up in the chaos of a day home with the boys and didn't think anything of it again until later this afternoon when the boys and I returned home from a bike ride and I still couldn't find him. I searched high and low for hours now and he is nowhere to be found. He is an indoor kitty and when I couldn't find him today I started to wonder if he could've gotten out. We did have a lot of traffic in and out of the house yesterday with the boys playing outside and such and I know he was hanging around by the doors now and again. He was on my lap when I was on the computer right before dinner but that was the last time I remember seeing him. I just can't imagine where he could be.

I am beyond sad by all of this. I can't even begin to tell you what a wonderful cat he was ... and if I do I'll start crying again. The boys loved him and Darian realizes that he's not here. He told me that maybe Sebastian went grocery shopping and would be back soon. And then he told me that was silly because Sebastian doesn't have any money and can't drive a car. The minds of children ... I hope the boys don't hurt the way that Salar and I are hurting right now.

This is the part I hate about owning a pet. They become such an integral part of your family that it hurts like heck when they are gone. I miss him terribly and I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight knowing he's not home safe with me.

Here he is ... a picture of my beautiful Sebastian ... I love you Bubby!


  1. Oh my dear Lynn.. I feel so sad for you and your family too. I hope you'll find Sebastian soon. *hugs*

  2. Lynn, sometimes cats hide in the weirdest places. Do you have a garage? Reason I ask is this...same thing happened to me a couple of months ago. The cat somehow wandered out through the door to the garage without us knowing. Where did we find her? Actually...our dog found her. She had wedged herself under my husband's rolling tool box in a space that was maybe 4" high. Don't know how she fit under there, but that's where she was hiding, apparently after being spooked at being in an unfamiliar place. Keep looking where you don't expect her to be....under the couches??? In the garage??? Under a dresser??? It's a longshot, but worth a try. Good luck....I hope you find her!

  3. Oh Lynn..I hope you guys find him soon! I am sorry you are going thru this tough time. Sebastian has always been a kind, gently cat to my rough-housing kids. We hope to see him again soon!!!

  4. I have a good feeling that he will turn up. Keep positive.
    Love you, Mimi
