Happy Monday!

Just a quick post to say Happy Monday and show a project that I did last night. This project was actually made with the Scarlet Lime project kit for September. Super cute with a nice vintage-y feel to it. It came together super quick and is now proudly displayed in my scrap space which btw I am in the process or re-organizing yet AGAIN! I really want to take some new pictures and post them but every time I think I have the room the way I like it I decide I need to change something else. Ah well, one of these days. In the meantime, enjoy your Monday (or what's left of it!). :)


  1. How awesome, Lynn! What a great project idea and I can imagine it sitting beautifully in your scrap area. Can't wait to see pictures of YOUR space!! :)

  2. That turned out beautifully! You've encouraged me even more to tackle that project!! Ooooh, I'd love a peek into your scraproom - bring on those photos. Lis.

  3. Lynn, this is adorable! Love the tags.
