Back from vacation ...

... and already feeling like I need another one! LOL Seriously I am swamped with all sorts of projects, editing nearly 700 photos I took while away, and just life in general and of course I have nothing crafty to share with you all just yet (next week I will ... I promise!). So I leave you with a photo from vacation that basically sums up how we spent our time in Ocean City! :)


  1. You need to enter this photo on the I HEART FACES contest - instead of faces they are looking for entry photos of FEET! You can find the contest here:

    - I entered once a while back and it's fun to see all the entries. Good luck if you enter it!

  2. love that photo! glad to have you back. good luck getting back into the normal swing of things. can't wait to see your projects when you can share :)

  3. I love OC. Glad you had a good time

  4. What a fun photo!! Hope you had an amazing time! Cannot wait to see your projects!

  5. cute photo! i'm glad you had a great vacation!

  6. Glad you're back and had such a great vacation. Love that picture!
