SUNNY DAYS are here again ...

... brought to you by none other than GCD Studios! It's new release time at GCD Studios and this is just one of FOUR new collections that will be released this month. I am loving them all but this is definitely one of my favorites - ya'll know how much I love those bright colors! LOL


Each patterned paper is double-sided and has a coordinating color on the back

How about some CUTE die-cut tags?

So what do you think? It definitely brought a little sunshine into my life! LOL Keep checking in with my blog and the GCD Studios blog over the next week to see the other new releases. Then later this month be sure to stay tuned as we have a new release blog hop party with all of the DT gals. There will be lots of opportunities to win these fantastic new collections!

1 comment:

  1. oh wow - it does look great close up doesn't it!! Can't wait to get it - and Yay for you on the Cosmo thing!
