Black River Designs Projects ...

Hi Everyone! Can you believe it's Friday already?!? I swear this week has just flown by and my poor blog has been neglected as a result. Well I have a few fun projects to share that I created with some of my Black River Designs goodies so here ya go ...

My little cutie Brandon just last summer - I can't believe how YOUNG he looks in these pictures! He still has a baby face but he has definitely changed so much in just a year. *sniff, sniff*

And here's a fun little card I put together with the scraps I had out on my craft table. Notice I used a lot of the same basic design principles on this card that I used on my layout. Makes it super easy to put a card together quickly - I've already got all the materials out that I need and my mind is already working in a certain direction.

Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. what a cute layout! love the colors. and how cute does brandon look ... adorable! love the card ... the "FYI" part is so cool!

  2. LOVE that card! the FYI is awesome! and great layout too! he does look so much younger there! what a cutie!
