Got Sketch 90

Happy Wednesday all! Is it really the middle of the week already?!? Seems like the days are just flying by. I am happy to report that we have had two straight days of no tears on the bus for Darian. WOO HOO! Maybe we've cleared that hurdle. Of course the same can't be said for mama's little drama llama Brandon but he just likes to put on a show. Big ol' crocodile tears from him every morning but he is totally fine the second I leave the room. Stinker! :P

Here's my contributor layout for Got Sketch? blog #90 using the fun Over the Rainbow kit from Studio Calico.

Lots of fussy cutting and pop dots on this layout - these Sassafras papers are just so fun and colorful!

Thanks for stopping by! I will have more projects using my September Nook kit tomorrow so be sure to check back! :)

1 comment:

  1. glad the boys are doing better with school. and i know the little one is mainly doing it to get too you ... since my little one does the same thing ;)

    love your take on the sketch. such a fun mix of pattern papers ... love how you cut them all in strips.
