a whole week ...

... without a post. So sorry I've been a bad blogger. I have actually been super busy this week with scrappy assignments but of course it's nothing that I can share just yet. Don't you just hate when people say that, I know I do! ;)

I did make this Halloween tussie mussie for GCD Studios recently. I hope it's okay to share as it hasn't been up on their blog yet but I'm gonna share it anyways just cuz I wanna! LOL!

I think tussie mussies are so fun and pretty easy to make. You can customize them for any season or holiday and they look so cute hanging from your door.

Of course I will admit that this tussie mussie is now empty since those chocolates were just too darn tempting to leave well enough alone. :)


  1. you're such a rebel ... posting things that you're not sure you're allowed to post. lol! i actually didn't know what a "tussie mussie" was .. but i know i've seen these types of projects. that candy would never last long around this joint either ;)

  2. Cute fringe. This made me want candy!! :)

  3. that is awesome! i never knew that's what they were called!

  4. What a fabulous project - totally YUMMY too!

  5. Are there directions to make these somewhere? Would love to do this for our neighbors to "boo" them next week! Yours is adorable!
