And the WINNERS are ...

Our Zva winners have been chosen and their names will be announced sometime today on the following blogs:

Lynn M.
Lynn G. - that's right here!

We had a ball and we hope that you did as well.  I want to thank everyone for visiting my blog and for all of the sweet comments.  I read each and every one of them and they all warmed my heart just like that steaming cup of hot cocoa on my tag.  Hee hee!  Definitely keep an eye out for another Zva Creative Blog Hop in the future.

And now to announce my winner who will receive $30 of Zva Creative goodies ...

Which means that my lucky winner is ...

Congrats Linda!  Please email me at with your full name and mailing information.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lynn! I'm so excited I hope I did everything correct! Thanks to you and the whole team for sharing your creativity. And thanks to Zva for this opportunity!
