Life is Sweet

Hey everyone!  Just wanted to share a layout I created for the Collage Press blog using the ever so yummy collection Sweet Shoppe!


Of course I had to do a sweet and sappy layout about my "sweet life" with my dear hubby Salar for the month of February.  We met when we were just 16 years old and have been inseparable ever since.  He seriously is the BEST man I know and I am so thankful for the life we have together.  

I used lots of fun die cut shapes and journaling tags on this layout.  I love layering these all together and creating some really fun embellishments.  And of course I added some Zva Creative bling in there as well!  LOL


That's it for me today.  I hope to be back soon with some more projects to share.  CHA was such a good boost for the mojo - I've been in a creating frenzy ever since I got home and started playing with all the new goodies I picked up at the show.  Let's just hope I don't wear myself out!  LOL


  1. loving the dimension that you added, lynn! gorgeous page. =)

  2. Beautiful page! I found u over at Studio your blog....I'll be lurking!!! LOL

  3. beautiful layout lynn! and such a cute photo of the two of you :)

  4. gorgeous layout...and i could have written the journaling about my husband and i, lol. (well, except for the having 2 boys thing, etc lol...) have an awesome day!! =)

  5. Love that layout girl - such great details and dimensions!

  6. What a gorgeous LO! Love all the CP stuff.

  7. just beautiful! it was so cool to finally meet you lynn!

  8. Great page! Just beautiful. And so sweet that you and your husband have been together for so long. Hubby and I met when we were 15. I was in LOVE with him then. LOL. Then after high school (and a year of college), we reconnected, and then he was in love with me too! LOL. :-)

  9. I LOVE that dimension! Your LO is just wonderful!!!

  10. simply beautiful. i've been drawn to the whole layering myself. tfs
