Whew!  Been a rough week in the Ghahary household.  We've had a nasty stomach bug making the rounds since the weekend but it seems as though *knock on wood* we are finally finished with it.  Just in time to get dumped on with nearly a foot of snow tomorrow (or so they're predicting) - oh the joys of winter!  LOL

The layout I want to share with you today is one that I created using the February kit from My Scrapbook Nook that features the fabulous Origins collection from Basic Grey.  LOVE LOVE LOVE this line!  I know I've said it before but I'm gonna say it again!  Seriously.  Love.  Okay enough about that!  ;)


I snapped this picture of Darian just a few days ago.  He was sent home from school as a result of above noted stomach bug and was just so worn out that he fell asleep on my bed.  He just looked so peaceful and I couldn't help but take a picture.  I know I'm not the only mama out there that loves watching her babies sleep, right?

I did lots of layering again with the "pieces" and "elements" stickers as well as used both the Micro Mono and Mini Mono stickers for my title work as you can see above.  And below you can see I used one of the "pieces" to note Darian's name and the date and tied it all up with some baker's twine and added a gorgeous little Maya road stick pin for good measure.

I'm hoping to get a lot done this weekend while stuck inside from all of the snow.  Some of it won't be fun - bills, taxes, laundry, etc - but I'm hoping to get lots of scrappy time in as well so I'll have more new projects to share with you soon.  Until then, stay warm and stay healthy!  :)


  1. HOw sweet. Love those colors. And your right, I love to watch my kids sleep too.

  2. We are expecting 2-3 feet of snow here, so I'm with ya on getting a lot done! I am glad the bug has exited your home, that is NO FUN!! Love the LO, as always.

  3. beautiful layout! i am such a fan of your work!

  4. Great layout Lynn it would seem that tummy bug is making its way around the world, it is going around our neck of the woods too!! HOpe every recovers quickly!!

  5. boo for stomach bugs and snow. =P we've got the same here.

    gorgeous page!

  6. Gorgeous detail work!

  7. glad your family is feeling better. Nothing sweeter than a sleeping sweetie!

  8. fabulous layout girl and I am so in love with this line too!!

  9. wow, this is soooo gorgeous, lynn! i scrapped a bunch with those papers last week but i wanna sit and lift this one now! super sweet photo too!

  10. Gorgeous layout, love it so much!! Love all your details!
