Happy Spring!

Happy first day of Spring everyone!  It's going to be nearly 70 degrees today here in New Jersey which is completely unheard of this time of year but I will definitely take it while I can get it.  Not only is it the first day of Spring but it's also the Persian New Year.  My hubby is Persian so we are headed off to see family later on today to celebrate. 

Since it's a gorgeous day outside and we're celebrating spring and new beginnings today I thought I would share this cheery layout I created yesterday using some of the fabulous Dear Lizzy collection by American Crafts.  This is Brandon when he was just about 4 months old.  Just take a look at those chubby cheeks!  And truth be told even at nearly 4 years old now he still has those chubby cheeks - I love them! 

This was such a fun layout to create.  I did some fussy cutting with the banner paper up top and basically cut the trees and hills out partially on my background paper and slipped my striped paper behind.  This is also the source of the huge cut I got yesterday from my exacto knife.  If you keep up with me on facebook you'll know that yesterday I nearly fainted because I sliced my finger on a brand new blade.  I am not good with blood and let's just say I definitely needed to sit down and take a breather after I that little episode - OUCH!

Okay I am off to get started on this gorgeous day.  I hope you all enjoy your first day of Spring!  :)


  1. Ouch!! I hope your finger is better. I am prone to cutting myself a good one every time I get something new that is sharp. Makes me leery, as I need a new exacto blade too!! I think all that fussy cutting was worth it tho! It is a wonderful page!! I like how you slipped things behind the tree and hill and love the banner!!

  2. Ouch is right!

    Beautiful layout! (Totally worth the fussy cutting.)

    It's a gorgeous warm 70 degree day next door in PA, too! Going out to enjoy it!

  3. I hope your finger is feeling much better today, Lynn. The end result is gorgeous, so it was well worth it, right?

    I got some Dear Lizzy but haven't gotten to play yet...hopefully soon!

  4. ouch and hope everything is ok and love the layout... so adorable! i'm just in love with the dear lizzy collection... :)take care!

  5. ouch! Take care of that. The page is beautiful though. We've got that 70 stuff going on here in Rhode Island too!

  6. Love the page! Great use of that paper! I just got my Dear Lizzy stuff in the mail and can't wait to get cracking!

  7. oh that is such a sweet layout!
