AC/Pebbles Product Swap!

Happy Monday everyone!  Yes I am still here even though from the state of my blog you might think I've gone into hiding.  It's just been a really busy past few weeks and my scrappy time has had to take a backseat to tball, birthdays, and the almighty puppy training.  LOL!

I did want to share with you a recent project I created as part of an American Crafts and Pebbles product swap!  As some of you may know American Crafts acquired Pebbles late last fall.  Pebbles has made some real positive changes as a result of this new relationship and I couldn't be more thrilled to be a part of it all.  And just to show you how well these two companies work together we've scheduled a "swap" this week on both the Pebbles and American Crafts blogs.  You'll get to see some of the Pebbles design team members incorporate American Crafts products into their projects and vice versa. 

I created this fun and bright layout about my beach boys using a combination of the Tree House collection from Pebbles and the Abode and Heat Wave collections from American Crafts.

The colors in these collections work together perfectly and it was a ton of fun to cut bits and pieces of some of the patterned papers to embellish my layout especially these clouds I cut from the Sunset paper in the Tree House collection by Pebbles.

Pebbles has always been known for their Candy Dots and now they've come out with Glitter Candy Dots - LOVE!  They look just like brads but are self-adhesive so no need to poke holes in your papers ... just peel and stick!

I love to layer stickers and pop them up with dimensional adhesive for even more impact and that's exactly what I did here with theses cardboard stickers from the Tree House collection from Pebbles.  I layered my stickers with some bits of American Crafts paper, American Crafts journaling stickers, and of course a little stitching. 

And finally my title using some new ABC stickers from Pebbles along with more punched and pop dotted bits of paper. 

It felt REALLY good to create this layout after not scrapping for awhile especially since the products were just so inspiring.  I hope you stop on by the Pebbles blog today and every day this week as we share lots of projects to get your creativity moving along.  Oh and of course there's a giveaway involved ... so be sure to get over there and leave a comment for a chance to win!  Thanks for stopping by!  :)


  1. Love the little detail on this one and the zig zag stitching is perfect!

  2. Fabulous layout! Love the colors and the dimension..Looks the AC is taking Pebbles in the right direction. Have a great Monday!

  3. Love the detail in this layout! So bright and cheery, too.

    Glad to see you back!

  4. AWESOME LO Lynn! Love the fun feel of the page & all your perfect details!!

  5. Great layout girlie - so summery and bright!

  6. Lynn - you did such a fantastic job of organizing the swap and your layout is adorable. Thanks for your hard work :)
