The reason for my silence ...

... is this little guy.  Meet Buddy.  He's a 9 week old Puggle (Beagle and Pug mix) and joined our family last Saturday before Easter.  Don't let that innocent face and those sad little puppy eyes fool you though.  He is quite the ball of energy and has officially kicked my booty with all of his puppy antics (now I distinctly remember why we chose not to have another baby lol!).  Hence my lack of free time and absence from blogging.  He is a lot of fun though and the boys absolutely love him.  Knock on wood he pretty much has this house training thing down pat and the weather (up until today) has cooperated so we have been outside A LOT which has helped speed things along in that area.  He has decided that he REALLY likes piggies, especially the painted toenail variety, which means my poor feet are constantly under attack.  Ouch!  I'm working on a schedule with him though and he seems to be adapting to it pretty well so hopefully I'll be able to get back to scrapping (and back to blogging) soon!  :)


  1. He is precious! Can't wait to see more pictures of him - that is if you can stop him to pose long enough! Sending you strength with your new baby...

  2. OMG Lynn!!! Oh he is so cute , I just want to come over and give him a million kisses! And then leave him at your house of course!

  3. Awwww! Cutie! My kids are constantly begging me for a dog...but LOL well you describe it perfectly! It's really like having a baby :D but the love! I envy you ;D

  4. OMG - he is so precious. Have fun with him.

  5. Oh, Lynn, he is toooooo precious! Puppy training is so hard, but you'll get through it before you know it!

  6. he is too dang cute! oh that face! :)

  7. Oh Lynn!!! Buddy is a cutie!!!

  8. OM! He is the cutest thing EVER! You must be in LOOOOVE

  9. Ohh my word - he is too darn cute!!!!

  10. OHHHHH He is so CUTE!!! and Buddy is a great name for him! Thanks for sharing his photo!

  11. Oh he is soooo cute! Great picture:)

  12. Lynn, he's so adorable. I wish you lived closer so my beagle-bulldog, Carma could play with Buddy! Have fun with your new friend!

  13. this photo is just adorable! he does look so innocent there ... but i know he's not. lol!

  14. OMG how cute is he!!! We have a new puppy too that loves feet....some mornings I hate to get out of bed cuz I know she is going to chew my nibble on my feet all the way to the bathroom! LOL!

  15. He is so cute!!!! I cannot wait to see pages with him! He is precious!

  16. Oh, he's SO adorable! I agree with you on how much work puppies are. They are the combination of a newborn and a two year old who gets into everything. My lab is 6 months old so things are getting a TAD better but her energy levels are out of the roof!
