CARDS Designer of the Month

Hey everyone!  So I meant to get this post written yesterday but alas the strep bug has found its way into our house.  This is our first encounter with strep and I had absolutely NO idea what the symptoms were (does that make me a bad mommy?).  I always assumed that it was a really sore throat so when Darian complained on Wednesday of a tummy ache and a slight fever I didn't think anything of it.  Same thing on Thursday.  But lo and behold the strep bug really wanted my attention on Friday and decided to give D a nasty rash that creeped from his chest and upper back all the way up onto his sweet little cheeks.  Yep you could say I was paying attention then.  I called the nurse at my doctor's office and as soon as I mentioned the rash she told me to bring him in.  Sure enough ... strep.  And apparently the rash is scarlet fever.  He's doing so. much. better. today with a good 24 hours of medicine in him.  Now I'm just crossing my fingers (and toes) that his little brother doesn't get it as well.  So far so good but we'll see what the weekend has in store for us.  ;)

Anyway I did want to share something exciting with all of you.  If you happen to have the most recent issue of CARDS magazine and you happen to flip to page 124 you may just recognize the face staring back at you.  For those of you who don't have the magazine here's a little peek for you ...

Yep!  That's me!  I was so super excited when I was asked to be the CARDS Designer of the Month for May.  I created 5 cards specifically for the feature and also shared some tips and tricks that I find helpful when creating.  I can't share the cards here on my blog since the issue is still current but what I can share is this little diddy here ....

I created this card specifically for the CARDS blog.  If you hop on over there you can see my complete supply list and some easy directions to recreate this one on your own. 

And let's make this post a little fun.  There is something not.quite.right about the information written on the first page of the designer article pictured above (click on it for a larger view).  First person who can tell me what is wrong and give me the correct information instead will win some scrappy goodies from me.  :)


  1. I saw this Lynn, congrats!!!!! I noticed when I read it that it says you're from Canada, lol.

  2. I forgot to add that I'm glad you're son is doing better :)

  3. A yeah.. I know you don't live in Canada!! LOL I love your cards (and scrappy pages!) Congrats on being featured in the magazine!!! How exciting!! Hoping the strep bug doesn't make its way thru your whole house!!

  4. Congrats, Lynn! You're a fabulous choice for that feature. Cute card, too!

  5. Canada? LOL I know what you mean about the strep bug...I have had that this past week as well, and let me tell you: IT IS NO FUN! Hope your son is feeling tons better and that it doesn't spread to anyone else in the house.

  6. Congrats girl!!! What an incredible honor. Have to say - I'm totally jealous - that's my favorite publication. So happy for you, and what a treat for the readers this month!

  7. Congrats Lynn - saw you in the magazine and on the blog. Love your cards and your layouts!

  8. Hello Lynn! I am a subscriber to your blog and a subscriber to CARDS! I loved seeing you in there!

    Now, about that move to Canada....

  9. "Hailing from Canada" -Not USA -well maybe that might be the problem- I know I'm not the first Congrats on being in the mag.

  10. Wow, how exciting to be chosen as the 'Designer of the Month'! Congratulations! And your card is spectacular! So colorful and fun! Thanks for sharring! :)

  11. EEEEE!!!!! So exciting! Um, Canada? That's weird. Hope the little guy's feeling better!


  12. Congrats on the feature! And you are a Jersey girl like me!

  13. once again, HUGE congrats on being featured as the designer of the month in cards! you deserve it! and that owl card is sooooo cute!

  14. Congrats on the feature!! I love the card (I've got a "thing" for owls!) Hope your son feels better--my daughter had it the other week but her throat wasn't bothering her either--go figure!
