My boy is 6 today!

It was about this time on August 24, 2004 that I called Salar at work and said "Honey, I think today may be the day.  Don't be surprised if I give you a call later."  And sure enough it was.  I had been having contractions for awhile with my pregnancy but on this particular morning I woke up feeling way more than usual and lots of back cramps to boot.  I started timing them and they were coming pretty regularly so I called my doctor's office and they told me to come to the hospital but not to rush.  I think we made it there by noon. 

When my doctor came to check me I was only 2cm dilated but my contractions were pretty regular.  He decided to break my water and then things went from 0 to 60 in no time at all.  Thank goodness they had called for the epidural because no sooner was the needle in place I was 10 cm and ready to push.  It took all of 20 minutes and my beautiful sweet baby boy entered this world and stole my heart. 

Through the years Darian has taught me so many things.  He has taught me to be patient.  And to be kind.  And to be silly.  And to be sensitive.  And to be proud.  And to be humble.  And to be nurturing.  And to take chances.  And to have faith.  And to experience a joy I could only have imagined but never dreamed could ever be true.

To watch my heart walk around outside of my body has been the most rewarding as well as the hardest thing I've ever had to do and I thank God every day that he choose me to raise this wonderful boy. 

Happy Birthday Darian!  Love you always and forever!  xoxo, Mama


  1. So so sweet, Lynn!!! Happy happy birthday to your wonderful little boy!!!

  2. you brought tears to my eyes! what a great post about a great boy! happy birthday darian!

  3. Happy Birthday Darian! Mommy is so proud of you and she shouted it to the whole world!

  4. Happy birthday to your son. He's a sweetie! He's going to steal a lot of hearts one day. ;)

  5. I loved hearing his story. Sweet post! :)

  6. What a wonderful post! Happy Birthday Darian!!

  7. So sweet Lynn! Happy Belated Birthday Darian!!! I too have a 6 year goes WAY TO FAST, doesn't it! :)

  8. so sweet Lynn! Happy Birthday to Darian!!!

  9. awww, what a cute story! :) happy birthday to your big boy!

