Monochromatic Monday

As I was typing the title for this post I kinda wanted to start singing "Manic Monday" by the Bangles but refrained since a) I can't sing if my life depended on it.  Well, I CAN sing, I'm just not very good at it and b) I would seriously be dating myself.  But of course I think I've already done that now haven't I?  ;)  SO ... why don't I just share with you my Monochromatic Monday project for the Pink Paislee blog instead?

Scrapping with just one color is hard.  Well hard for me since I am a color gal at heart so this assignment was a wee bit challenging for me and you'll see I kinda sorta just.a.little.bit cheated and added in another color on my layout.  I couldn't help myself.  I just had to!

Orange with splashes of green.  Perfect colors for October and all things pumpkin picking.  Speaking of pumpkins check out my little cutie patootie in those pumpkin patch photos.  Can you believe that little dude is now my oldest Darian?  My how time flies!

Just a little detail shot of my title work.  I love using the large Weathered Wood Expressions as a mask for misting.  I actually have a whole set that I keep aside just for this purpose.  So fun.  And shamefully easy to do.

I am also the guest designer this week on one of my favorite scrapbook magazine blogs.  Check out the Scrapbook & Cards Today blog and see what magic I've been cookin' up!  :)


  1. You want to know something funny? When your blog popped up, at first I actually thought the title of the post said MANIC Monday. I had to look twice to see that it really said Monochromatic Monday!

    And I think that splash of green was exactly what that layout needed - you rebel, you. :)

  2. Love the masked title! This is perfect for those cute pics! And now I'm off to cook dinner & sing Manic Monday since it's now stuck in my head!! ;)

  3. I love that masking technique and never think about doing it, although I do have the supplies to execute it! Thanks for sharing your ideas, and I agree with Ally that the splash of green worked perfectly in this LO!

  4. i have a hard time with the monocramatic thing too. but even though you added a touch of a second color, it still has the monocramtic feel to it. and i LOVE the masking technique ... it really is perfect with those chunky chipboard letters!
