He came home!

I have no idea where he was but my sweet kitty Sebastian managed to find his way back home. Thank God!

I put out food and water at all of the doors of our house hoping he might come back. When we woke up this morning the bowl by the garage door was empty. I was getting ready to refill the bowl this afternoon and thought I should check on the other bowls too to see if they were empty. I opened up the sliding glass doors to our patio and there he was laying down underneath our table. I nearly squished him to the ground making sure he didn't run away from me when I went to go pick him up. He seems fine - a bit spooked and a little dirty - but I can tell he's happy to be home. He has been talking to me since he got back in the door. Of course now my other kitty Sasha is being not too friendly - she keeps hissing and growling at him. I don't think she likes the way he smells (hee hee) or it could be that she liked being the queen of the house. In any case he's back and I am slowly starting to feel the hole in my heart close back up. Talk about emotional roller coaster. Whew!


  1. I am so glad your kitty returned!!! I can imagine how heartbroken you were when you discovered him missing.

    Sasha will come around. ;) Cats are funny creatures.

  2. Yahooo!!! I'm so happy Sebastian came home! We will give him lots of special attention next time we visit!

  3. I'm so glad there's a happy end to this story - nothing worse than losing a pet!

  4. so glad to hear he made his way back home to you!!!

  5. Hey Lynn,

    Glad you found Sebastian!


  6. I can so relate to all that you said about your precious cat. We had a very similar thing happen to us, just the other night. I put my six year old son to bed, who cried himself to sleep. I didn;t sleep much either. She was back home in the morning. Thank God...
