Sorry it's been kinda quiet on here ...

So my hubby told me today that I need to get to posting some more crafty stuff on my blog. He said he likes to come here and see what I've been up to since he can't make his way past the doorway of the gigantic mess I call a scrap room to see it in real life. Okay so he didn't say the last part about the messy scrap room - that's just me giving myself a huge virtual kick in the you know what to clean this place up. Can you say DISASTER?!? But he did say I need to post some more of my pages because he wants to know what the heck I've been doing up here every free chance I get. And see here's the thing - I actually HAVE been working on some stuff but I just can't post it yet. But I will ... some of it sooner than later. So there you have it. My not very exciting post about stuff that I've been working on that you can't see. Yet. :)

1 comment:

  1. that is too funny! to have your hubby actually telling you to share more on your blog. lol! my husband only looks at my blog if i make him. lol!
