Here's a little somethin' for ya ...

So I know my blog has been pretty empty lately in terms of scrappy pictures and all for a good reason. I've been busy working on a few projects that I haven't been able to reveal just yet.

One of these projects is for the relatively new blog Creative Scrappers. If you are a sketch lover - and hey who isn't?!? - you NEED to go check this place out! Sketches are posted weekly to inspire you and give your creativity a jump start. They have a forum where you can post your layouts in a gallery and chat with lots of other ladies about all stuff crafty and then some! Oh and lots and lots of contests and chances to win some fun prizes!

There is also an amazing design team with weekly guest designers. That's where I come in! I entered a layout contest and was chosen as the Guest Designer for this Sunday's (August 3rd) reveal. How INCREDIBLE is that?!? I was so thrilled to be asked to design a layout for this week's sketch and had a lot of fun with it. Here's just a teeny tiny peek at what the layout looks like - if you wanna see more you'll just have to keep checking my blog for more sneak peeks this week. And you'll definitely have to check out the Creative Scrappers blog on Sunday to see the real deal! :)


  1. looks like fun! congrats on being asked to be the quest designer!

  2. Thanks for sharing this site. I'm always looking for inspiration.
