I can't let the day go by ...

... without posting ... it's MY BIRTHDAY! Yep! Not gonna tell you how old I am although I'm feeling quite old these days. Funny how time just gets away from you. Anyways my wonderful hubby took the day off today and we had such an awesome day. The boys were in summer camp so we went to the movies to see Sex and the City (LOVED it and cried like a baby! LOL) and then out for a hibachi lunch. YUM! He left not so long ago to pick up the boys and I think they will be coming home with a little "surprise" cake for me. Can't have a birthday without cake and candles right? :)

I've been keeping the creative juices flowin' in my scraproom and just completed this layout for Pencil Lines Sketch #91.


  1. GORGEOUS! Love all the dimension here.

    Sounds like you had a nice day.
    So great!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday again my friend! :)

    And this LO RAWKS! So so gorgeous! Beautiful is the perfect title for it (love that pic!) and you made that sketch your own - great job! (and to think I was chatting with you last night while you were creating this beauty!) ;)


  3. Happy Birthday Lynn! So glad you're having a fabbo day.

    Your layout is rockin! Keep going with that flow because its obviously working.

  4. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Lynn
    Happy Birthday to you.......

    Hope you had an amazing day!!

  5. happy birthday lynn! glad you had such a great day! some friends were supposed to take me to see the SATC movie for my birthday a few weeks ago ... and then they all flaked on me and it's not in our theatre anymore. lol!

    gorgeous layout too! love all the embellishments and dimension you have going on!

  6. Wow! This is stunning!! I love all the details! Make sure you email it to our readers gallery too!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Lynn!! Sounds like you had a fantastic day...and dude..AWESOME layout!!

  8. Lynn,

    Missing the 101 class, found your blog......... this is the most amazing layout I've ever seen.... "BEAUTIFUL" doesn't do it justice! Hopefully that is hanging on a wall!
    ps, hope you had a nice b-day!
