I've been tagged!

Yep! My new friend Lisa from my Got Sketch 101 class has tagged me! Now I am a newbie to this whole world of blogging but I am all for fun and games so here goes ...

1. I wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger. I was a die-hard People's Court, Divorce Court, you name it watcher and had my mind set on becoming a lawyer. And then I became a social worker ... go figure!

2. My belly button is off center, my right leg is a tiny bit shorter than my left leg, and my right foot is bigger than my left ... but I embrace ALL my imperfections!

3. I have always wanted to learn how to belly dance.

4. I secretly belly dance when no one is watching.

5. I have a thing for salt and sweet. If I eat something salty I need a sweet chaser or vice versa. Potato chips and swedish fish are my favorite salty-sweet combo!

6. I am an organizational junkie. I love to organize. Of course I spend much more time thinking about organizing and buying containers to organize than actually organizing a gosh darn thing.

7. I have a thing against feet. I don't like them. Don't like to touch them. The only feet I will touch are my two little boys cuz their feet are so cute. I don't even touch my own feet (thank goodness for pedicures!).

Whew! I'm done. Now my turn to tag some friends. Here goes: AnnaMarie, Anne-Marie, Kelly, Corey, Sarah, Jenn and my new blog pal Laura.


  1. that's great Lynn! I do bellydancing and I love it!! Go buy yourself a coin hip scarf and go for it.

  2. oh, I forgot to add - I've decided to use my random facts as a layout - now to take some photos of all the bits...

  3. you got me! i havn't been tagged in months! lol! always fun to read random facts. and my right leg is shorter than my left too ... i can tell when i walk. lol!

  4. Ok I did it girl, thanks for the tag! ;)
