Catching Up!

Just a quick post to catch up a bit - it's been a week since my last post ... bad blogger! We had a really busy weekend with my little brother's wedding and I am STILL trying to get back into the swing of things. And just to add to the craziness of this week is the fact that there are quite a few inches of SNOW covering the ground right now - when on earth does it snow in October in New Jersey?!? All I have to say is all of this white stuff better melt by the time we go trick or treating Friday evening - can you imagine? Trick or treating with snow on the ground? Here's a quick pic I took yesterday just to prove to my hubby that it really was snowing. He works about 30 minutes from our house and while it was just raining by him it was definitely snowing by us - so much so that they closed the schools early and I had to call him to go pick up Brandon since my car is useless in the snow. Crazy stuff I tell ya!

And what would a post be without a layout to share. This is one I did last week of the boys. I really loved these photos of them wrestling around on the ground and I couldn't wait to scrap them. Aren't they just the cutest? They are at such a fun age right now where all they want to do is be with one another. Of course this doesn't mean that they don't have their fair share of fights. But even when they're annoyed with one another they like to make sure that the other is close by - just so cute!


  1. omgosh - that snow looks so beautiful! It never snows at my place - insert jealous face here...

    gorgeous layout too Lynn - your boys are so spunky.

  2. Ok, Seriously Lynn..we NEED to get together so you can share your creative scrap ideas with me!!! I LOVE your layouts!!

  3. omg --- it snowed by us on Tuesday, but it didn't accumulate. YOU GOT SNOW!!!!

    Love the layout!
