Halloween Pictures!

So these are a few days late, I know. But I just had to post these pics of my two little superheros right before we headed out to go trick or treating on Halloween. They had so much fun and were really into the whole spirit of things this year although Brandon is a bit of a scaredy cat and didn't like any of those Halloween decorations that moved or made noise ... which is basically all of them! LOL

Darian as Batman striking his superhero pose! He loved that mask on his face and didn't want to take it off even when it got really dark out and he kept tripping over stuff. Finally he took a pretty big spill on a set of steps and cut his nose and I insisted that Batman go maskless or we'd have to head back home. He chose no mask. LOL

Brandon as Spiderman throwing his webs. He couldn't quite get the spidey hand movements the right way so it just looks like he's throwing a "thumbs up" at everyone.

My two superheros! I seriously am the luckiest mommy in the world knowing I've got these two amazing little boys on my side. :)

And finally what would a post be without a layout. Here's one I did recently of an OLD pic of Darian from Halloween 2005. What a cutie! I can't believe how much he's changed in just 3 years. *sigh* We hope you had a great Halloween - we sure did!


  1. Goodness Lynn, the boys look absolutely ADORABLE in their costumes!! And yet another gorgeous LO, my friend - look how young he looks there too! :-P

  2. What adorable costumes --- and that layout you did is BEAUTIFUL! Great job!

  3. Totally adorable superheroes!!! :) Beautiful lo also.

  4. really love this layout lynn! love you have so much going on here with patterns and colors ... and yet it looks so balanced!
