Something old and something new ...

How do you like that for a blog title?!? LOL Seriously do you ever hate coming up with a title sometimes for your blog posts? I know I do. Ahhh but I digress ....

Okay seriously the reason for my title is that I wanted to share some Pebbles projects with you today. These are projects I completed a few months ago for my design team audition (hence old for me) and I am just now getting around to posting them on my blog (and therefore they are new to you). Genius I tell ya! ;)

All of these projects were created using the Skipping Along Collection. Thanks for stopping by!

"H2O" 8 1/2 x 11 layout

"friend" card

Die Cut Button Flowers

"bloom" tag


  1. i hate coming up with blog post titles ... it's the hardest part. lol! love these projects ... it's no wonder they choose you for their team. that first layout is just gorgeous! and the die cut flowers are a super cute idea!

  2. I can relate to the blog titles!!! Love what you did with the Pebbles products. I love seeing what you come up with!
