Got Sketch 89

Happy Wednesday! I can't believe this week is already halfway over - it is just flying by right now. Next week is a big week as the boys start school but before then this mama is heading to Somerset NJ on Friday and Saturday for a Scrapbook Expo. I'm taking some Basic Grey sponsored classes with the amazing Kelly Goree and then plan to shop til I drop. Anyone out there going to be at the Expo as well?

I wanted to share my contribution for this week's sketch over on the Got Sketch? blog. I had fun using one of my Studio Calico kits for this one - love all the bright colors and patterns.

I went a little pop dot happy on this layout - one can never use too many pop dots can they? LOL

Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. such a fun, colorful layout, Lynn! Love it!

    And I keep meaning to congratulate you for layouts I see in magazines... but I keep seeing more and more and I've lost track of how many!! So happy for you... you're an amazing scrapper! :)

  2. Wow, nice take on the sketch! And I, too, love those colors :) Awesome!

  3. too cute! i love the little monkey!
