We hit a few bumps ...

... but I think we'll be okay. Darian was a trooper this morning and was all smiles until the big bus pulled up. He was hesitant to get on and as soon as I turned my back to walk away the tears started rolling. Thankfully our bus stop is packed with kids and my neighbor's little girl Katie who is in third grade sat with him on the bus. I'm sure once he got there he was fine but separations are always a little hard for him. That prompted tons of tears from Brandon who kept saying that he missed his brother which of course did not lead to an easy drop off for him at preschool. It'll be okay, right? (somebody please tell me it will get easier!)

Here's my little man on his first day of Kindergarten ...

And my last GCD Studios project for the month of August. A quick and easy card I put together using the Vintage Boy Collection.

Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. aw! I know he'll really enjoy Kindergarten!

    You know what's tougher than sending them off to Kinder?
    When they run off to the bus without hardly saying goodbye to you!
    Take it from me, my 5th grader hardly looks back. *sigh* How I MISS the days of Kindergarten!

  2. i bet he had a ton of fun once he got to school. my girls just run out the door, without saying goodbye to me now days. lol!

  3. It will get easier on him (and you) I promise!!

  4. he's so handsome!!!! Girls will fall for her...literally :P

  5. I hope their days went well! Is it getting easier?
