One down, one more to go!

First day of school that is! :) My little (big) boy had his first day of preschool today and the report was great. According to Brandon he loves his new school. According to his new teacher Miss Flora he was (and I quote) "very well mannered and polite." Really? Brandon? Not that I'm not thrilled to pieces to hear that kind of report but my guy Brandon loves to exert his inner three year old now and again with fits of "no" and other unpleasant toddler phrases. Glad to hear he kept it in check for school and just saves all that sass for his mama. Hee hee!

Here's a photo of my boy ready to conquer the world of ABCs and 123s ...

And how 'bout a little crafty project while I'm at it. I know I said I had more GCD Studios projects to share so this one is a layout I created using the Morning Glory Collection. That little girl in the photo is my sweet niece Una - isn't she a doll?

Thanks for stopping by! :)

1 comment:

  1. he is so stinkin cute! and yes, he looks so innocent and sweet. my youngest is exactly the same. comes off sweet and quiet and good at school. but at home, she's a total terror. lol! i always laugh when the teachers say how good she is and how she never talks. if only they knew. but i guess it's a good thing that they act great at school ... they just save the "acting out" for us at home.
