I'm baaa-aaack! :)

Hey everyone!  So I made it!  Landed at 5am this morning after flying through the night (left California at 9pm their time) so I'm a bit bleary eyed and definitely sleep deprived but it was well worth it.  This was such an amazing experience.  To see all of the new products and to meet all of the amazing people in this industry.  Just so much fun! 

I did take my camera along although quite honestly I did not take it out as much as I should have or intended to.  I haven't even unpacked yet and need to go through photos and edit, etc but I thought I would share with you some of the projects that I created for the GCD Studios booth in the meantime. 

First up are a few projects I created using the new Homespun Chic collection as well as the Lydia collection both by Melody Ross.  First up is a wooden purse I altered using Homespun Chic ...



 And a cute little birthday card as well ...

And here is a topiary I made using the Lydia Collection (I think this might be my favorite collection from the new releases - I LOVE the colors of this line!) ...

And another little card ....

Well that's it for today!  I'll be back tomorrow to share some more projects so be sure to check back soon.  :)


  1. I'm absolutely blown away by your altered bag !!

    Would love to see it linked up at my challenge - http://angsandy.blogspot.com/2010/11/sandys-challenge-1.html
