Anaheim here I come!

In just about 24 hours I will be getting ready to hop on a plane and head to Anaheim, California for the Winter CHA show.  This trip is all about firsts for me.  My first time flying solo, first time renting a car solo, first time in California solo, and last but certainly not least my first time at CHA.  I am super excited about it all.  Which is a good thing because I think the excitement is winning out a bit over my nervousness about all of the other firsts - hee hee! 

I will be working at the GCD Studios booth (#3785) in the mornings doing Make and Takes.  If you're going to be at the show please do stop by and introduce yourself to me.  I love meeting people who share the same love for this industry that I do. 

I won't be blogging while I'm gone since I decided not to take my laptop with me (one less thing to worry about on the plane).  But I am taking my camera and hope to have lots and lots of pictures to share when I return!  Til then I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.  And I just have to add ... GO JETS!  :)


  1. Have a very safe trip! Have a fabulous time!

  2. Sounds like a blast! Enjoy the trip, wish I were going :O)

  3. you're going to have such a great time ... partly, because you'll be hangin with me ;)

  4. Oh girl!! You are going to have so much fun!!! I wish I could be there this year (I'd love to do one of your M&T's! ;))
    Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

    BTW, I just popped over to gcd's blog and the pics of the booth look awesome!

  5. ohh I am really excited to see all the GCD photo booth pics, :) :)

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