Recent Cards ...

Okay so I don't have anything new for you today.  I've been working on some stuff for CHA and obviously can't share anything yet.  But I hate the idea of my blog sitting here neglected especially since it's a new year and with that means ... what?  Not exactly sure but just a need to keep the blog nice and updated.  We'll see how long that lasts.  Hee hee!  

Anyway I thought maybe I could share some cards that have been published recently.  Some of these have been on my blog before but some of them never made it here before they were picked up so you'll get a peek at those for the first time.  Tomorrow I'll be back to share some recently published layouts as well.

As seen in the December 2009 issue of CARDS

As seen in the December 2009 issue of CARDS

As seen in the December 2009 issue of CARDS

As seen in Christmas Cards 2009 by Scrapbook Trends

As seen in Christmas Cards 2009 by Scrapbook Trends

As seen in the Winter 2009 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today

Thanks for stopping by!  :)


  1. Lynn! These are so good. Totally love your style.

  2. OOOOHH These give me the creative tingles!! Thanks for posting them!
