Scrap in Japan

A few months ago I was contacted to be a guest designer for a challenge blog called Scrap in Japan.  I had no idea that I was even "known" in Japan and was just so flattered to be asked to contribute.  Who knew that scrapbookers halfway across the world were familiar with my work. 

Here is the layout I created for the blog ...


Be sure to stop by the Scrap in Japan blog to check out the sketch I created to go along with this layout as well as layouts by the Scrap in Japan design team!  Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. Super cute layout! I love the bright colors added to what typically is a blue or white layout...

    And congratulations on your guest appearance for Scrap in Japan! What an honor!

    From a fan in Eastern Oregon (see? you do have fans!)...

  2. oh this is super cute! Congrats on being LOVED in Japan...

  3. See, Lynn? I told you that you were famous :) Congrats on being asked to be a guest DT for them. Your page is adorable. I, too, like the bright colors you added.

  4. Hi!Thank you for the wonderful sketch. I am glad considering your having participated pleasantly as one person of a design team:)
    Akiko Kuroki

  5. girl...they know YOU everywhere! You have a "reputation" you know!? LOL!!! SUPER layout! Love it!

  6. congrats lynn! you're world famous ;)

    super cute layout .. just love the colors! the snowflakes and buttons are so fun. and you have me wanting to learn to sew on my layouts ... just love the look!

  7. Beautiul pages as usual...congrats on your recognition in Japan! I'm sure they know great work when they see it!
