Zva Winners!

Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by for the Zva blog hop.  I appreciate all of the sweet comments!

The winners have been posted.  Their names will be announced sometime today on the following blogs:

Becky Olsen
Lori Roop
Angelica Franssen
Ingrid Danvers
Lisa Johnson

Each of the 5 winners will receive a Zva prize pack worth $30.00. Congrats winners!
Remember, even if you didn't win, we will be having another blog hop soon, so you will have even more chances.

I am heading out to California in just 3 days for CHA.  I am so very excited despite being utterly terrified to fly by myself.  I just keep reminding myself that it will all be okay and that I will be able to figure it all out ... somehow.  In any case, if any of you are going to be at CHA be sure to stop by the GCD Studios booth and say hi to me.  I'll be working Sun, Mon, Tues mornings till noon time.  I'm taking my camera so I hope to have some photos to share when I return ... that is if I stop drooling over all the new products first long enough to snap a few!  ;)

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