
Happy Wednesday everyone!  Although I have to say it's not so happy in the Ghahary household this morning.  Mostly because I think Darian might still have strep.  Again.  We *just* finished his 10 days of antibiotics this weekend and yesterday he started complaining about a tummy ache and headache - the exact same things he complained about when he was first diagnosed with strep two weeks ago - and sure enough he has a low grade fever as well this morning.  So no school for him today while I wait for the doctor's office to open and see if I can get him in there for a sick appointment and another strep test.  I am so over the boys being sick.  Actually it's been mostly Darian.  And apparently so is he.  Poor thing was so distraught yesterday that he couldn't play in his tball game last night.  He was crying and saying "I don't want to be sick!  Why can't someone else take a turn being sick?!?" And then he proceeded to try to blame it all on his brother who hasn't been sick in months mind you.  Pretty typical.  ;)

Well on to happier and scrappier things for now.  This next layout I created as the guest designer for Scarlet Lime this month was a lot of fun to make mostly because I got to play with my new 3D rose die from Sizzix.  hee hee!  My baby brother (okay not so baby - he's 31!) and his wife Regan are expecting their first baby in July.  And they're having a little girl - YAY for another little girl in the family! 

The colors of this layout are not your typical little girl colors especially with the splash of blue but I think that's what I like so much about it.  I created a trio of roses with my new Sizzix die (seriously folks this die is SO well worth the money if you like creating paper roses - so easy to use!) and did some fun sewing and misting as well. 

I punched a bunch of flowers using my Martha Stewart Chrysanthemum large punch and laid them on my background cardstock before misting with orange Maya Road mist.  I then added some yellow stitching to the flower centers.

Well there you have it!  I have one more layout to share tomorrow that I created with this kit.  But for now I'm off to play nurse to my sick little one.  Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. Beautiful page! Love your handmade flowers! :)

  2. I love those flowers! :) Gorgeous!

  3. Oooh, you're going to be an auntie! Congrats! Beautiful layout.

    Hope your little one feels better soon. Strep is no fun.

  4. love that splash of blue...totally makes the page! :)

  5. congrats to your brother !~ Poor Darian. hope he's feeling better soon. when my son had strep over the winter, he had to go through 2 rounds of meds for it to go away. =( hang in there !~

  6. ha ha, Lynn..you had me wondering if YOU were expecting :) Beautiful page, too- i am loving those roses made from that die. I just might have to give in and buy one. I'm still so excited that you're on the SL team!

  7. wow, this is super gorgeous lynn! i LOVE the misting on this ... and the little touches of stitching! beautiful!

    and i also totally scanned your post super quick, thinking YOU were expecting. lol! tricky girl, aren't you ;)

  8. Beautiful layout and congrats on the SL GDT.
    Love those roses girl!

  9. Yeah, you had me getting ready to email you a congrats! But its nice you're going to be an aunt.
    I'm SO sorry about your guy...poor thing.

  10. I love this page! Your roses are gorgeous! Now I want this die! LOL

  11. Hope your boy feels better! I went thru that stage with all 3 of my kids getting strep one time so I feel for you!

    OMG! I love making paper flowers! You just enabled me...now i gotta find that die!

  12. What a beautiful LO! LOVE those roses!! Hope your little guy feels better soon!
