Whew!  What a week it's been between doctor's visits (yep, Darian *still* has strep and we are now on round 2 of anitbiotics) and just general end of school craziness.  The boys start summer vacation exactly 2 weeks from today and there is a lot to be done between now and then.  In some ways I'm looking forward to not having to rush out of the house in the mornings to get to the school bus, etc but I know that after a week or so the novelty will wear off and I'll have 2 very crazy little boys on my hands that will need to be entertained.  Eek!

I did want to share with you the last of my projects for Scarlet Lime this month.  This layout uses papers from Studio Calico's newest release Documentary.  I LOVE the colors of these papers especially the yellow ... I'm a bit obsessed with yellow these days and I have no idea why. 

I played off the circle pattern of the patterned paper for both my title treatment and my embellishments.  And I had a lot of fun with my punches!  I LOVE punches.  I may have a slight addiction to my punches.  I have A LOT of them and seriously want way more.  ;)

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Looks like it's going to continue to be hot and humid here in NJ so I'll be looking to stay cool!  :)


  1. This design is fabulous and the colors are so bright and cheerful! :)

  2. Great page! I'm loving the yellow, too, so summery!

  3. You took the words right outta my mouth about school/summer!! I will definately NOT miss the crazy mornings!! LOVE the LO! And the yellow is just yummy!!
