
Just wanted to share a quick layout I created using one of GCD Studios new summer releases Sunny Days. This is such a fun collection that just screams sunshine and happiness!

This is a recent photo of my boys with their cousins Ollie and Una during our family vacation in Ocean City this past July. Aren't they the cutest?!?

I have a few more GCD Studios projects to share that I created this past month so stay tuned for more posts in the upcoming days. Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. Great LO Lynn :D I just LOVE this line and its perfect for all our summer photos!

  2. what a great summery layout! i love the centered design!

  3. Great layout, Lynn :) I'm really liking the combo of the B&W phto with the bright, sunny colors!

  4. Lynn I love your style! Just wondering what is the font you use for your journaling?
