Happy Monday!

Happy Monday all! Although I have to say I'm feeling a little bit sad today. That's because both my boys are heading back to school this week and while it was hard (oh so hard at times) having them home all summer long with no naps (our first summer without them) I will miss them both dearly while they are gone. Darian will be heading off to Kindergarten on Thursday but before that Brandon will be going to his new preschool Little Village on Wednesday. I'm excited but incredibly nervous for them both. I know they'll do fine, right? (quick someone tell me they'll do fine! lol).

Okay so I thought I would share another GCD Studios project today. This is another layout I created with the new summer release Vintage Boys.

And oldie but goodie photo of Brandon that I decided to rescrap from an older layout that just wasn't doing it for me anymore - I'm allowed to do that right?


I used some Making Memories Canvas Alphas for my title. Love the look of these! I was able to find all the letters I needed in colors that coordinated with my papers from the Passport and Fa La La collections.

I'll be back tomorrow with some more projects to share. Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. What a cute page. I love the title and colors!

  2. I know what you mean about having the kids home during the summer...and the first time without naps for you - wow! But you made it! :) It's always so much quieter when the kids are back in school, but I agree it can be a mixed blessing.
    Nice page! Really love those canvas alphas!

  3. Lynn those canvas letters match perfectly!
    The boys will be fine and so will you :) My two oldest head back today and Mason will have his kinder assessment this morning and has his first official day on Friday :)

  4. you're totally allowed to re-scrap the photos that we love the most ;)
    love what you did with it. those canvas letters are so cool, aren't they!
