And here's a pic of my man just because ... he's pretty gosh darn handsome if I so say so myself! LOL
Okay now I am totally switching gears with my layout today. LOL I had wanted to do this layout ever since I saw this particular image in the Confessions kit (UK-409A). Not sure why but it immediately made me think of this particular picture and then a certain saying and, well, it all kinda fell into place from there. Hee hee!

You can click on the picture to see a larger image and read the journaling but basically if any of you had babies like mine who spit up CONSTANTLY you will know exactly what I mean when I say spit happens! It was my least favorite part of babyhood as both my boys were major spitter uppers (is that a word?!?). I swear we would go through 5-6 changes of clothes a day just because they would be soaked with spit up. And that was WITH a bib on! But hey that's life right? Spit happens! ;)
The fun part of this layout (aside from the picture of my son spitting up in action LOL) is that all of the patterned papers I used on this layout were from my scrap stash. I had been cleaning it out and then went to create this layout and I just started pulling pieces that I thought would work. I challenge you to try the same with your next layout or card. Just grab that stash of scraps you have and start putting pieces together - I bet you'll be amazed what you can come up with!
Next up on your Hip Hop journey is the wonderful *** AJ ***
Adorable! So many people avoid scrapping those moments, but they can be the funnest layouts to enjoy later! ~ky
LOL, what a cutie!!
Awww this is a cute layout!!! what a great hubby you have! thanks for sharing your story!
What a cute family! What a cute layout. I just love how you captured this moment.
BOBL!!!!! That's just hilarious!! I love that you scrapped this and shared it with all of us.
Love your layout...just the everyday things that happen!! Love it!!
ok, your layout is aawesome! i like the way you used that circle stamp. and your title....may all time favorite!!!!
That is a crackup!! And sure, spitter upper can be a word. Why not?? Absolutely love layouts like this. They're my favourite kind, truly.
Your layout is so cute! I love it!
Oh I feel for ya! Both of my girls were spitter-uppers! I thought I'd wear the washing machine out before they were out of diapers!!! And guess what ~ they got so used of changing clothes ~ that they still like to wear several outfits a day! But at least now they help with the laundry! LOL!
oh my gosh.. that is the cutest picture ever!!!! :) He is so adorable! This layout is so fun! Makes me happy!
What a great layout!!! Love the title, too. So cute Lynn.
how cute!
love this layout!
That is great layout!
Too cute!! I wish I would have taken pictures of my kids and their spit :) then I'd have proof!!!
Such a cute that circle image...great use of it!
Lynn, I just love this layout!! I can vouch as someone who works with babies everyday... Spit does happen!!
I had a "spitter upper" too, so can totally relate to your adorable layout!
TOO Cute!!! Love it!
Cute layout!!
so perfect.. and that pic, omg priceless!
I just love that layout!!
What fun layouts - you've got a cutie on your hands.
Great layout - I love how you scrapped that !!!
Such a cute layout!
fun it!!
this layout is awesome! i could totally lift it for both of my kids. they were/are both huge spitters! it's gross and i can't wait for silas to outgrow it.
i made my niece a shirt that says "spit happens" when she was a baby because she was the exact same way. lol!
great photo of your hubby! he has an awesome smile!
OMg what a cute LO.. and about spit.. too cute..
Too funny! You can embarrass him later with stories of him spitting up! :) And I just love your attention to detail. You are my kinda scrapper!
this is an awesome layout lynn! that photo is hilarious! i have one with a previous daycare boy when he was just learning to crawl ... and i just happen to snap a picture mid spit-up. it was hanging all the way down to the floor. i wanted to enlarge it for his parents. lol!
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