Happy 2010!

I wanted to start off the New Year with a blog post since I know it's been awhile since I last posted.  I haven't really done much crafty stuff in the last few weeks.  Just focused on the holidays and spending time with the family.  The next few weeks prove to be busy for me - CHA goodies should be arriving any day now and I'll be hard at work making samples for the show.  This is my first year that I'll be attending and to say that I'm excited is an understatement although to be perfectly honest I am scared beyond belief to fly.  I'll get it over it though.  As my hubby says I just need to "suck it up" and deal - hee! 

So because I don't have anything new to share I thought I'd post some of my favorite projects from 2009.  Honestly there are a lot of projects that I'd love to share here that I can't because they are scheduled for publication but these are my top ten favs of the ones I can share (not in any particular order). 

"Mr. Pouty Face"
(published in Scrapbooks Etc Aug/Sep 2009)

I created this layout of Brandon for one of the challenges on the Scrapbooks Etc website and it was published in the August/September 2009 issue.  These photos are still some of my favorite pictures of Brandon and he STILL gives me that pouty face when he doesn't get his way.  Although his new trick is to now add "if you don't do that for me mommy I will cry" - talk about a heartbreaker!  :)

"all BOY" Wall Hanging

I created this framed cork wall hanging with the Lil Buddy Collection from Pebbles.  I adore the colors in this collection and all the fun prints and patterns like those cute little robots!


This was a layout I created with my very first kit as part of the design team from My Scrapbook Nook.  I love the Road Map Collection from October Afternoon and had a lot of fun playing with my sewing machine and creating a stitched grid for my punched circles.  It's nice to do a layout about myself here and there and this is a great one to remind me to just enjoy the moment and "be".

"Destination Boyhood"

Another layout using that same kit from My Scrapbook Nook.  I took these photos of Darian right around his 5th birthday.  He looks so grown up and well on his way to boyhood.


Well first and foremost I love the photo on this layout.  I just simply cannot get over how beautiful my little boy is and how very blessed I am to be able to call myself his mommy.  He is a little miracle in our lives and I am reminded every day that miracles really do happen when I look into his big beautiful eyes.

"little things"

This next layout uses the new Artsy Urban Collection from GCD Studios that I just love.  The colors and patterns are fantastic.  This is one of my favorite photos of Darian and I together.  He is such a sweet and sensitive boy.  Still loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses.  All the little things that remind me that he will always be my sweet little baby boy.  Love him!


I created this layout for the Basic Grey October 2009 newsletter.  It was such a thrill for me to contribute to the newsletter and of course to scrap these adorable photos of Brandon on his first day of school.  He really loves his new preschool and we've had a great school year so far.  Thank goodness!  LOL

"fall guys"

Fall is definitely my favorite season and these photos are just one reason why - playing tackle football in the backyard.  Love these photos of the boys playing together and it was fun to use one of my Studio Calico kits to capture the memories on paper.

"he's a SHARK shooter"

The photos make this layout one of my favorites.  Brandon is such a character - he loves to come up with stories and play make believe.  My mom bought him this shark water shooter to play with by her pool and he had the best time pretending he was a "shark" shooter and aiming your little water shooter at us.  

"roly poly Santa Baby"

Last but not least I had to add this one to my favorites.  Not only is that picture of Darian the cutest thing ever (if I do say so myself - hee hee!) but I simply LOVE the papers from the Joyride Collection by Collage Press.  A perfect combination if you ask me!

So there you have it.  My ten favorite layouts from this past year.  I want to thank all of my blog visitors for stopping by so often to check out my work and see what I've been up to.  I read each and every one of your comments and they mean so much to me.  I am really looking forward to 2010 and all that it has to bring and wish all of you much love, health and happiness in the coming year!


Margie Higuchi said...

Hi, Lynn! Just wanted to say hello...I saw that you are the guest designer for Scrap In Japan! Congrats!

But what caught my eye was that you live in NJ! Don't know exactly where but I used to live in W. New York by the Hudson River a few years ago :)

Love your sketch idea and hope to play...if time allows (aka CHA prep).

Happy New Year!

Glynis said...

I can see why these are some of your favs. I love checking out your latest posts and look forward to many more this year.
Happy New Year:o)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous layouts my friend!!!
Wishing you a wonderful 2010!

Michelle said...

Happy New Year, Lynn!! Thank you for all of the inspiration!! I love all of your LO's!! Tho, my fav has got to be your So Blessed LO..just gorgeous!!! I hope you have a Happy and Healthy 2010! Have a great time at CHA!!!! :)

Bessie said...

Happy New Year my friend. Lovely and awesome pages like always. Aww, so much inspiration.

Mara Campbell said...

Beautiful layouts Lynn!! Thanks for sharing! I am loving your blog, so much inspiration. Here's to a fantastic 2010!

Unknown said...

Lovely two 10! Your work at The Nook has been inspirational!

Anonymous said...

Total cuteness!! Love your top 10.

laura vegas said...

so many great layouts ... i can totally see why they're your favorites! for each one, i had a comment about why i really liked that one .. but then i'd see the next one, and have something for that one too. lol! just know that i love them all :)