My Scrapbook Nook Blog Hop

Hey everyone!  Welcome to My Scrapbook Nook's Blog Hop! There's a lot going on over at the Nook recently and what better way to share it all with you than a blog hop.  Be sure to start your hop at Leah's blog and then just follow along from there.

I joined the My Scrapbook Nook Design Team this past August and have enjoyed every minute of it. The kits are just amazing!  There are so many goodies packed into each and every kit and lots of fun extras that can be purchased in the shop.  The forum is such a wonderful place to chat about all things scrappy or otherwise and the gallery is simply awe inspiring.  This truly has been one of the best design teams I have had the honor to be a part of.

So as part of our blog hop I get to giveaway one of our recent kits - the November kit featuring the gorgeous Audrey Collection by Lily Bee Designs (pictured below).  All you have to do to be entered in a random drawing to win this kit is leave a comment on my blog.  Easy peasy, right?  And if you want to increase your chances of winning you can earn extra entries by joining our message board (1 entry), signing up for our newsletter (1 entry), posting about the blog hop on your own blog and/or facebook/twitter (2 entries), and/or joining the kit club (5 entries).  You need to just let me know which of these you've done when you leave me a comment on my blog.  And apparently "they" do have ways of checking so be honest!  Hee hee!  And don't forget to visit my fellow design team member's blogs (links are over on my right sidebar) for some more Nook inspiration!

And here are a few of my projects that I created using this yummy kit ...




I also wanted to let you know about a really great promotion going on right now - sign up for a 6 month subscription to the Nook between January 5th and January 15th and receive a credit of $20.10 to your account!  How amazing is that?!?  You can read all about it here.  Also My Scrapbook Nook has some special "member privileges" that will be revealed in the forum soon so be sure to check in here and read all about it!

The blog hop will close on Friday, January 15th at midnight PST and the winners will be announced in the forum on Monday, January 18th so remember to stop in and see if you are one of the lucky ones!

And now it's time for you to hop along to the super adorable Miss Britt!  Thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

I am talking to Becky right now and she isn't seeing too many comments on anyone's blogs yet...oh well...better chances for me to win. :D

Wendy said...

the pages are stunning as always!!

okay... i blogged here -

i facebooked here -

and i signed up for the newsletter

Deanna said...

Lynn, i always love your LOs! You do such a phenomenal job! Can't wait to see more!

Debbie said...

Gorgeous layouts and such inspiration! :D Great blog hop!

Unknown said...

Amazing work, Lynn!

I blogged

I joined the MB

I am signing up for the newsletter ASAP!

Karen said...

love the pages and i have signed up for the news letter

Jocelyn said...

I just adore you work and I have posted about this to appear on my Blog on Monday!!

Sofia said...

you´re layouts are beutiful I really liked the pirat one that you blog the other day.

Anonymous said...

I also commented on facebook that all of my friends should hop along!

Malmis said...

Beautiful work! I´ve blogged about the hop here:

Fleursbydesign said...

Greay layouts!

I also joined the Newsletter :)

Anna Sigga said...

fab pages!!

I signed up to the newsletter but I have been a messages board member for a long time now!:)

Sherri said...

You do some really great stuff. I was just looking at your stuff on the College Press Blog.

Anonymous said...

I adore what you did with this kit - beautiful!!

Mandy said...

Beautiful layouts!!
I posted the hop on facebook
Joined the newsletter.

Anonymous said...

And I've posted about the blog-hop here:

See you at the Nook!

Anonymous said...

I admire the elegant detail in your layouts, thankyou for a wonderful hop :):):)

cal8007 said...

OK, Lynn, here's what I've done so far; I have joined the message board, signed up for the newsletter, and I will post about in on Facebook as soon as I leave this blog. One more chance to win the kit!

I'll be back to see what you have created!


Cynthia Baldwin said...

The Audrey line is just beautiful! Thanks to Scrapbook Nook for the chance to win!

Anna said...

Great pages with this lovely kit..
I have signed up for the newsletter and blogged as well..

LaLa & Kins said...

I am loving looking at all of these wonderful LO's, so much creativity and inspiration to take away from it all. I have signed up for the newsletter, signed up for the MB, left comments and will be telling everyone on FB as well. Thank you so much. Laura D

Michelle said...

so nice to meet you...I love layout with the Nov kit, those are beautiful papers!!!

I signed up for the forum today

I signed up for teh newsletter last month, does that count?

i signed up for the 6mo kit deal earlier this week...does that count???

oh, and I blogged, too:

jeanie de la rama said...

posted about the hop in my blog and signed up for messageboard and newsletter. already a follower as well:)

Star Rork said...

I dont know how you do it! you are one busy lady! signed up newsletter and posting to my blog.

Nicole Martel said...

Great layouts! And that was one of my favorite lines. The papers are so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Lovely layouts and a great kit.

Diana said...

This blog hop is so much fun and so many yummy layouts to look at!

Aussie TM5 Thermomixer said...

This blog hoppin is so much fun. Your work is very inspiring! Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous kit. I have also signed up for the newsletter and message board!

KellyG said...

Love that Grown lo! Love this kit! Thanks for the chance! I signed up for the newsletter and joined the message board!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful!
I signed up for the newsletter and blogged about the hop:

chenguna said...

Amazing work Lynn! Thanks for a fun blog hop!

Ginny said...

Beautiful pages! Let's see, I blogged ~

message board ~ ginneee


Looks like 5 entries, crossing fingers!

Unknown said...

Lovely layouts!

Unknown said...

I blogged about the hop!

Erica Hettwer said...

Oh, those are some fab layouts! I love all the little touches. Very cool!

1~commented ;)
2~message board gal
3~get the newsletter
4~blogged about the hop

mommyof5kidz said...

Fabulous layouts!! I am thoroughly convinced the y'alls DT ROCKS!! I am enjoyning hoppinh! I had to take a break in the middle and But I am back!

AMANDA said...

I adore your work...You are so stinkin' talented!! Thanks for sharing it with us!! :)

Suzanne said...

Pages are gorgeous! I will have to check out this website. I did not know about them! have a great weekend!

AMANDA said...

I did facebook about it!!

Ronda Simpson said...

Beautiful work, Lynn! My blog is "Pieces of Me" too! :)

I signed up for the newsletter!
I blogged about the Blog Hop here:
And, I became a Facebook fan too! :)

Ronda Simpson said...

Oops didn't realize each comment was supposed to be separate for each entry!!

Camilla said...

Thank you for all this nice work and a lot of inspiration :)

Loving this bloghop.

Mrs X said...

I'm leaving a comment, I've made a post on my blog:, I've signed up for the newsletter and if I could, I would sign up again for the message board! :)

pysselpetra said...

Love that altered "d" ♥♥♥
I am allready on the MB
I have blogged about the blog hop
I receive the newsletter
and I am allready a member of the best kit club in the world :)

Hopping along

Helén Torstensson said...

nice works!

Anabelle O'Malley said...

Awesome pages, as always!!!

Hannie C said...

Beautiful layout!
and you've got so many comments already!

Anki T said...

Love your work.

kacy said...

hi!! lovely layouts hun!! i may pinch a few ideas!!
I have joined the message board (1 entry),
signed up for the newsletter (1 entry),
posted about the blog hop on my own blog and/or facebook/twitter (2 entries)

thanks for entering me!!

Erika M. said...

Lovely layouts! I love blog hops! I don't have a blog or facebook page so I tweeted on twitter
I've joined the message board and signed up for the newsletter.

my paper love studio said...

wow... love those layouts.. amazing as always.. working your magic.

Anonymous said...

Love your work!

I have signed up for the newsletter.

Michelle said...

I really like your style! Great blog!

anna78 said...

Wow, love your work!

Blogged about the bloghop, signed up for the newsletter, already member of the message board

anna78 said...

Wow, love your work!

Blogged about the bloghop, signed up for the newsletter, already member of the message board

Suz said...

Beautiful work! Lilybee is one of my favorite companies right now.

I get your blog newsletter

I get the nook newsletter each month

I'm a memver of the facebook fan page

I've been a member of the forum for over a year now.

Sheila said...

Lovely little details!

Erika M. said...

I just joined the kit club!

ellen s. said...

wow, you have such a cool and classic your layouts

Gina said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kit!!!!

I've signed up for the kit club, posted on facebook, joined the message board and am getting the newsletter!

Debbie said...

What a great idea for using this "yummy" kit.

Debbie said...

I posted about the BlogHop on my faceboo, twitter and blog on Saturday. You can check it out at

Debbie said...

I joined the KitClub and placed an order- can't wait for it to get here.

Debbie said...

I signed up for the creative newsletter on Saturday.

Debbie said...

I joined the message board and have already posted a couple of messages!

Debbie said...

If I knew how to link back to your blog I would do that also. Guess I have something to learn this week!

Monique Liedtke said...

This bloghop is so much fun!! I get to see so many wonderful blogs and projects!! I blogged about the bloghop on my blog and put it on facebook. I am a member of the messageboard, receive the kit and the newsletter for about a year and a half now and am hugely enjoying myself!!
TFS and have a nice day!

my paper love studio said...

oh i so so so so want this kit after seeing your layouts. amazing as always!!

Anonymous said...

Your work is so neat!!!

Great fun this blog hopping, lol

becca said...

great inspiration here! wonderful!!!

Tomoko said...

Hi Lynn,
I came from Scrap in Japan:) Wow, your layouts are beautiful!! Thanks for the inspiration!

stephanie said...

you have such beautiful work!

I have blogged about the blog hop here:

I have joined the message board (and introduced myself).

rachaelwood said...

so cute! great projects!

Hilde Aaslund aka Scoobie said...

Your layouts really make me want this kit :-)Thank you for showing those lovely examples and for arranging this hop.

Here are my tickets for the lottery:
joining our message board DID
signing up for our newsletter DID
posting about the blog hop on your own blog and/or facebook/twitter DID BOTH
joining the kit club (5 entries). REJOINED

Jazzy1972 said...

Love Love Love this hop, so much inspiration. Jay xx

smahrty said...

Beautiful layouts, Lynn. Thanks for sharing in the hop!

Sue said...

love those layouts you shared!

AmyG said...

Beautiful work! =)

Yelowflower said...

what a beautiful kit..thanks for sharing.

Natalie Elphinstone said...

Love the colours in this kit, and your layouts are stunning.
I've joined the newsletter,and the message board, and blogged here

Julie said...

So cute, love that little pocket.

Vel said...

Wow, great attention to detail on your LOs. Thanks for the opportunity!

foryournursery said...

Thanks for participating in the hop!!

foryournursery said...

Joined the message board!

foryournursery said...

Signed up for the newsletter!

Lisa C. said...

Your layouts are great!! Love the kit.

Lisa C. said...

I follow your blog. This is so much fun!

Lisa C. said...

I signed up for the newsletter.

@JoyceCasaldi said...

Great lo's!

I commented.

I blogged

I signed up for the newsletter.

And am a forum member.

Jill Sarginson said...

What a fabulous prize ...

I've blogged about it here:

and signed up for the newsletter and forum! :)

MrsOrtelle said...

This kit looks great! Crossing my fingers! ;)

Tere Azua said...

Love your "grown" layout!!!!

I blogged

and joined both the newsletter and MB!


Janet's Joy said...

Nice blog!
I commented,blogged about the hop,signed up for the newsletter and registered on the message board.

Cori said...

Welcome to the design team. I haven't been in the gallery much but hope to get back to the forums again soon. :) I've become a fan on Facebook and commented there on my page as well.

Michelle said...

Wow. I love your work!

katie said...

i love the yellow and the neutral colors in this kit!

1. i joined the message board (my un is misskatie)
2. i signed up for the newsletter
3. i tweeted about the blog hop:

thanks for the chance to win! :)

Sophia said...

Love your LO, I have done 1/2/3...

Veronica Tingvall said...

I've done everything on the list,exept for the messageboard since I'm already registered. I signed up for the kit club earlier this week when the 6mo deal first came out (so I'm not sure if that counts)
Lots of love/Veronica

Shawna said...

Great pages! Linked your blog on mine :)

Lynette C said...

Love the layouts you shared. And yes I signed up for the newsletter on Scrapbook Nook.

Emmy said...

you do amazing LOs!!
I loved that kit! did so many nice things with it!

linaliten said...

Love your beautiful pages!

Becky Moore said...

Lynn you always have such wonderful things to share! I'm really enjoying the Blog Hop and all the great work from all the designers.
So far I've signed up for the newsletter, blogged about the hop, signed up for the message board and had the chance to visit some great blogs. thanks everyone.

Nitasha said...

You ladies are super talented...It's late and I should be in bed, but I'm just soaking up all the inspiration from each blog I visit...Wow! Anyway, I joined the newsletter mailing list, joined the message board (griffingirl) and introduced myself briefly, and blogged about the hop here:
Ok...gonna hop a little bit more before lights out!

Casey Wright said...

Ooh! I love this kit and your stuff! I'm actually new to the site - yesterday, I signed up to be registered user on the forum, and signed up for the newsletter. I'm hoping to go and check out the kits later to sign up, but haven't have a change to do that yet... Thanks for the chance to win!

Ami said...

Lovely!!! I am a fan, subscriber, admirer of the Nook now...

Ami said...

I facebooked about the hop, too!

Ami said...

I facebooked about the HOP, as well!

Charlotte said...

so much eye candy!
I FB here

I get the newsletter.

I'm on the board.
thanks! <3

Bethany said...

Lovely work! And that kit is beautiful!

A Sarasota said...

Love your work! Happy Blog Hoppin! Posted here and on my blog, for 1st Jan 14 entry. Tahnks

Kaypea17 said...

Where do you come up with your ideas? Keep them coming I will be following your blog from now on for inspiration.

ChelleM said...

I really like your pages. I just joined the kit club, can't wait for my first kit to arrive. I also signed up for the newsletter and message board.

A girl and three boys said...

What great pages!! :)

BethW7372 said...

Hi Lynn,
Glad to be able to discover your beautiful work through the blog hop! I subbed to the newsletter, joined the message board, and posted on facebook, so count me in for 5 entries. :) I'd love to win

5 entries

thestormyone said...

i am really enjoying the hop. and each blog gets me so much closer to signing up fo the kit...i have blogged and signed up for the newsletter. now just the kit???

Ellen Porter said...

Love your pages!

Tracy said...

Your work is awesome ...

I have joined the Message Board, signed up for the Newsletter, linked this Hop on my blog - and commented on every Blog in the Hop ... WOOHOO ... this has been sooooo inspiring ...

Love, Tracy G

Krystle said...

I love what you did with Zva creative!

karin c said...

Your work is delightful, I am quite inspired, thanks for making my day.

Nenne said...

Love the chance to win one of those great kits, loved it!

I'm adding you on my fav blogg list as we speak!


Kajsa said...

Hi Lynn!

Firstly: like the design on your blog very much; it feels fresh and funky!

So I'm on the hop-train and made it this far.
I have thought of joining the nook a few times, when following some of the DT's blogs, but now, I'm all in at once. Subscribed to the kit club, forum and newsletter. Looking forward to this so much.
And of course, since I want to spread the word about the nook and add a little to my chance to win this fab kit I've posted on my blog and facebook about the hop ( and

Thank you and take care!

Tessa said...

Great layouts! Love your blog!