I've been so busy lately and a really bad blogger. Sorry! So much going on right now. Brandon's surgery to repair his hernia was this past Monday. Everything went super smooth and I am really enjoying getting to spend some time with just him while Darian is with family. Brandon needs to take it easy as in "no running, jumping, climbing, etc" and we figured having big brother Darian around was too much temptation so D is out and about with family until Monday to give Brandon time to heal. He's so chatty and it's such a treat to have all these little conversations with him throughout the day.
Got Sketch 102 is getting started and as the TA or "teacher's assistant" as Janna dubbed me I have been busy making sure things are flowing smoothly and all of our members are find their way around the classroom easily. Can't wait for Monday when class officially starts! There's still plenty of time to sign up so if you want to join in just click
here to register.
Finally, I decided to completely re-arrange my scrap area in the last few days. I have been sharing the space with the boys' craft area but in all honesty my stuff was all over the place that I hardly ever let them in there anymore so I decided to kick them out for good and take over completely! LOL I spent the majority of today moving furniture, repairing holes in the walls, painting, and putting together this awesome piece of furniture my sweet hubby picked up for me from Ikea:

Can I just tell you how HEAVY this baby is?!? I had to take it upstairs to my scrap space piece by piece from my car and then after putting it all together I had to heave that thing upright all by myself. I couldn't help but laugh because in the directions it specifically show a picture of two little men working together for this very reason and here I am, little ol' me, doing it all by myself while Brandon took his afternoon nap. What can I say when I want to get something done I just do it! Now on to the fun part ... organizing! I can't wait to spread out in my bigger space and find new homes for all my supplies. Speaking of which, I better get back to work! Enjoy your weekend!